The fermentation ramped up about 16 hours after pitching. It was going gangbusters for about 48 hours. It slowed enough four days into fermentation that I replaced the blowoff tube with the airlock. When I made the transition, I added the additional 0.7 oz. of hops for dry-hopping, and then left for a weekend out of town. When I returned 48 hours later, I found the airlock clogged and ejected from the carboy and a bunch of blowoff residue on the carboy, the ground, and the burlap sack I use to keep the carboy shielded from light. It stunk, literally. I cleaned, re-sanitized, and reseated the airlock immediately. There were no signs of active fermentation. I quickly hopped on Facebook to consult my brewing buddies, and they assured me that there probably wasn't much to worry about.
Today, 11 days after pitching, I took a sample of the beer with a thief to measure the gravity. It ended up being 1.022 ("corrected" from 1.022 at 64ยบ). With an OG of 1.078, a quick calculation estimates the alcohol content (by volume) to be just over 7%, which puts it right on par with the actual Two(-)Hearted Ale. I tasted the beer, and while it's a bit on the sweet side, the hop character seemed right on. I'm planning to bottle this weekend.
Today, 11 days after pitching, I took a sample of the beer with a thief to measure the gravity. It ended up being 1.022 ("corrected" from 1.022 at 64ยบ). With an OG of 1.078, a quick calculation estimates the alcohol content (by volume) to be just over 7%, which puts it right on par with the actual Two(-)Hearted Ale. I tasted the beer, and while it's a bit on the sweet side, the hop character seemed right on. I'm planning to bottle this weekend.
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